There are distinctive riboflavin deficiencies including an inflamed tongue, visual disturbances such as sensitive to light, cataract formation, cracking of the lips and corners of the mouth, burning and itching of the eyes, lips, mouth, or tongue. Riboflavin deficiency can also cause anemia.
A key benefit to riboflavin is the production of energy in the body. It also helps regenerate glutathione, one of the main cellular protectors against free-radical damage.
Some studies have shown that migraine headaches may be caused by a reduction of energy production in the mitochondria (cellular energy producer). Riboflavin has the capability to increase mitochondrial energy making the cells energy output more efficient.
Riboflavin is destroyed by light but not by cooking. It gives urine a distinctive yellow color and is not a sign of vitamin wasting. Thiamin (vitamin B1) works closely with riboflavin.
by John Connor, CNC
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